Danai Fuengshunut
I am an educator with over 20 years of experience in higher professional art and design education, specializing in educational development and tutor professionalization. I work at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
I hold Bachelor’s degrees in Design (Illustration) and Visual Arts & Design Education, as well as a Master’s degree in Education. My experience includes developing bachelor-level curricula, designing tutor certification programs, and training students in various art and design disciplines. I have also contributed to assessments across multiple art and design bachelor programs. Over the past seven years, I have focused on training and supporting the professional growth of tutors in the art and design field. Since 2024, I’ve started offering training, workshops, and sessions outside art & design education.
More info: https://educationassessment.nl/en/
Since 2018, I have been leading the Education Station at the Willem de Kooning Academy. Alongside a diverse team of dedicated educational professionals, we support our community by facilitating tutor training, organizing events, conducting research, and advancing digital development—all aimed at creating a more impactful and engaging learning experience at WdKA. Since 2024 I have started to develop the new educational tutor programme for the academy.
More info: https://educationstation.wdka.nl/
Since July 2024 I have initiated a research project about how generative artificial intelligence for visual images is transforming creative practices in art & design. My goal is to explore the situatedness of this technology in the context of art & design education. This research employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating both qualitative and quantitative techniques.
More info: https://generativeai-research.
Hoe Vertragen Docenten kan Helpen
Vandaag mocht ik weer een bijdrage leveren tijdens een nieuwe sessie bij Codarts. Bij binnenkomst ervaarde ik de imposante roltrappen van het Codarts-gebouw. Mooi, maar voor mij eigenlijk net iets te traag. Het werd een reflectie op de functie van onderwijs: het...
AI en Toetsing in het Hoger Onderwijs
Afbeelding Prompt: kun je een afbeelding genereren van een spectaculair plaatje over een inspirerende bijeenkomst voor onderwijsadviseurs over het gebruik van AI en toetsing in het HBO onderwijs. Het mag overdreven en humoristisch zijn. Op maandag 14 oktober woonde ik...
How to Introduce the Topic of Intersectionality
This week, I had the opportunity to contribute to a ROBECO event by facilitating a one-hour workshop on intersectionality together with Sylvia Erlings and Evita de Roode. It was inspiring to engage with such a prominent corporate organization on this topic. We...
Mission: Transition – How to work towards the sustainable development goals.
Mission: Transition – Future makers at Hogeschool Rotterdam On September 17, Studium Generale - Mission: Transition focused on Future Makers. It was a valuable event that provided insights into the skills students and tutors need to navigate an uncertain future....
How to Foster Social Justice and Diversity in the Arts.
Yesterday, I had enjoyed a workshop and event at Pakhuis de Zwijger celebrating two years of the lectorate Social Justice & Diversity in the Arts (SJDA) research group. It’s impressive what Rosa te Velde and Aminata Cairo have achieved with their team in two...
Transitie naar holistisch assessment
Afgelopen week heb ik samen met Sylvia Erlings een bijdrage verzorgd voor docenten van een opleiding bij ArtEZ. Het was een mooie dag bij de Kookplaats in Arnhem. De focus lag op de overgang van vakbeoordeling naar een holistisch assessment, waarbij studentportfolio’s...
How to collaborate on AI explorations in Education
On Monday, May 8, 2024, Erdinç Saçan (senior teacher at Fontys) provided an online lecture on Generative AI, focusing on education during the BOOM Blended-Week . The development of AI is unstoppable, however, and paid AI applications are only accessible to students...
How audits are here to help us
Recently I participated in an audit conversation. They measure the quality of our education via four national standards of the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organisation (NVAO), which include: Intended Learning Outcomes: how our programs align with professional,...
How to use the Slotmachine in Education
On Tuesday, February 16, 2023, I had the pleasure of participating in an afternoon session on the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in education. Led by Marije Brom from the Rotterdam University of Aplied Science (RUAS) AI & Ethics program at the...
How to Facilitate Difficult Conversations in the Classroom
Last week I attended an online webinar about social safety and how to deal with anxieties in the classroom organised by 'School and Safety. Since the development of the war between Ukraine and Russia and Israel en Hamas tutors are encountering difficult conversations...
How to Navigate Change and Foster Inclusion
On the 9th and 10th of November, the Willem de Kooning Academy (WdKA) hosted an EDI conference, initiated by my colleague Sylvia Erlings. The conference began with an opening statement from our new dean, Úna Henry. She addressed the current global issues of systemic...
How to Understand Pedagogy of High Expectations
On October 12th, I attended the mini-conference on the Pedagogy of High Expectations at the Rotterdam University of Applied Science (RUAS). This approach emphasizes teachers' belief in the potential of every student to succeed and encourages them to pursue challenging...