Reflection 1: SKE-course
This week I have started my first meeting of the Senior-Qualification-Examination (SKE) course at our institute. The ‘SKE’ is a Dutch certification in assessments for higher professional education. This post is a reflection on why this course is important to me.
I’m not a fan of the aspect of selection in education. I like to believe that education without assessments could be something beautiful. And the aspect of measuring quality art education is something I find challenging.
However I see a strong relation between ‘selection’ and ‘society’. If education is a tool to prepare students for society then selection must be part of the curriculum. The question is how? “What is the best way to frame selection in higher art education?”.
As head of the education station at the Willem de Kooning academy I am interested in how we teach our teachers. And how we assess new teachers in our teacher training program. How we assess new-teachers will influences how these teachers will assess their students. I believe the teacher training program should be a role model for teaching and assessments.
I am looking forward to see how the SKE-course will contribute to my understanding of assessments in art education. I am excited to find out what new insights it will bring me and how I will look back at this first post around July 2019. The die is cast.
Any thoughts and feedback on the topic of assessments in higher art education are always welcome.